Plotting coverage from BLAST results using ggplot2

Preparing the data

The data we’re working with is output from using BLAST against a single gene, where the queries are the metagenomes we’re interested in. Assuming you used BLAST with -outfmt 6, extract the sstart and send columns from the blast_results file and save them to a new file by:

cut -f 9,10 blast_results > regions_hit.tsv

Your file should look like this:

head data/tet33.regions_hit.tsv
## 969  820
## 161  12
## 46   103
## 923  1066
## 722  573
## 293  144
## 327  178
## 173  24
## 861  745
## 1005 856

Then read the data into a dataframe with:

regions_hit <- read.delim("data/tet33.regions_hit.tsv",
                          col.names = c("sstart", "send")) %>% 
  mutate(forward = ifelse(sstart > send, 0, 1))
##   sstart send forward
## 1    161   12       0
## 2     46  103       1
## 3    923 1066       1
## 4    722  573       0
## 5    293  144       0
## 6    327  178       0

The mutate statement above adds an extra column indicating whether or not the match was on the reverse strand.

Plotting the coverage

Now for the function itself:

plot.coverage <- function(regions_hit.df, roi = NULL){
  x.min = min(regions_hit.df[, 1:2])
  x.max = max(regions_hit.df[, 1:2])
  forward_hits <- regions_hit.df[regions_hit.df$forward == 1, ]
  forward_hits.IR = IRanges(start = forward_hits[, 1],
                            end = forward_hits[, 2])
  forward_hits.cov <- coverage(forward_hits.IR)
  forward_coverage <- data.frame(pos = seq(x.min, x.max),
                                 cov = unlist(mapply(rep, forward_hits.cov@values, forward_hits.cov@lengths)),
                                 forward = as.factor(rep(1, x.max))
  reverse_hits <- regions_hit.df[regions_hit.df$forward == 0, ]
  reverse_hits.IR = IRanges(start = reverse_hits[, 2],
                            end = reverse_hits[, 1])
  reverse_hits.cov <- coverage(reverse_hits.IR)
  reverse_coverage <- data.frame(pos = seq(x.min, x.max),
                                 cov = unlist(mapply(rep, reverse_hits.cov@values, reverse_hits.cov@lengths)),
                                 forward = as.factor(rep(0, x.max))
  total_coverage <- rbind(forward_coverage, reverse_coverage)
  y.max <-max(total_coverage$cov)

  p <- ggplot(total_coverage, aes(x = pos, y = cov, color = forward)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + 
    scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, x.min), limits = c(0, x.max)) +
    scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, y.max * 1.1)) +
    labs(x = "Position", 
         y = "Depth",
         title = "Coverage depth of...",
         color = "Strand") + 
    scale_color_manual(labels = c("Forward", "Reverse"), 
                       values = c("#FF6633", "#99CC99")) +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = NA, size = 1))
  if (!missing(roi)){
    p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = roi, linetype = "dashed")

The plot.coverage function takes as input a dataframe with columns indicating the start, end, and whether or not we’re on the forward or reverse strand. For example:


plot.coverage returns a ggplot object, so you can make any modifications you’d like to the graph in the usual way:

plot.coverage(regions_hit) + 
  labs(title = "Coverage depth of tet33 in soil column 1 metagenomes")

Additionally, plot.coverage takes an optional roi parameter to indiciate a region of interest:

plot.coverage(regions_hit, c(300, 567)) + 
  labs(title = "Coverage depth of tet33 in soil column 1 metagenomes",
       subtitle = "Number of reads per position; dashed lines indicate region targeted by primer pair")

In the future, I will rewrite the function to use data.table and add an optional argument to separate the forward and reverse reads across the \(x\) axis.

Paul Villanueva
Ph.D. Student - Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Iowa State University, Ames, IA.